Mental Health Treatments

We offer a variety of healing services to address mental health conditions of all kinds, including stress, anxiety, depression, addiction, burnout and more.

  • Holistic Treatments

  • Backed By Science

  • Customized For Your Needs

  • Acupuncture

    Acupuncture improves mental health by regulating the release of neurotransmitters, such as endorphins and serotonin, that affect mood and anxiety.


  • Sound Therapy

    Sound baths and tuning forks are provided in conjunction with acupuncture sessions to induce deep relaxation and enhance the healing benefits of the needles.


  • Theta Healing

    Theta healing, or “Subconscious Belief Work” is a guided meditation and healing session that identifies and replaces root beliefs in your subconscious that may be blocking you from achieving the life you deserve.

    Gentle and powerful, you will walk away knowing that you’ve profoundly changed the negative beliefs that were holding you back. Session offered via Telemedicine or in-office


  • Herbal Tincture

    Herbal Medicine

    Chinese herbal medicine is thousands of years old and utilizes an extensive pharmacopeia of safe and effective plants and minerals. We prescribe classical and customized teas and tinctures formulated to address a wide range of mental health concerns. Herbs are a very effective natural treatment option.


  • Acupuncuture + Neurogen

    Acupuncuture + Neurogen

    We have created special packages combining the incredible healing power of acupuncture and the revolutionary treatments of Neurogen Brain Balancing. Together these specialized protocols dramatically improve insomnia, depression and anxiety. Leaving you feeling like a new person.


How Does Acupuncture Improve Mental Health?

 Reduced stress

Improved mood

Improved cognitive function

Reduced pain and discomfort

Improved immune function

Improved sleep quality

Interested in learning more about how treatments at Elemental Wellness can improve your mental health?

Get in touch.


  • A resounding NO! The sterile needles are around the thickness of the hair on your head. You may feel the presence of the needles in the more sensitive points, but this is nearly always pain free.

  • Initial appointments are 1.5 hours long. Follow-up sessions are 1 hour long.

  • You can expect results after the first treatment but it will likely take several sessions to make significant progress. The number of recommended treatments will depend on the severity and duration of your mental health concern. We will discuss your treatment plan during your first visit and give you an estimation of the number of sessions you may need. In most cases however, people will notice some relief or reduction in symptoms after just one treatment, and in general, people report feeling refreshed and deeply relaxed after every session.